Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
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Where is Kewaunee County?
Kewaunee County is located in Northeast Wisconsin just east of Brown County and Green Bay and just south of Door County. It contains the following cities and villages: Algoma, Kewaunee, Luxemburg, and Casco. Check out the Kewaunee County website for more information.
Board of Directors
Benjamin Joniaux
Judy Delain
Barb Porath
Barb Baldwin
Sandy Ehren
Kate Phillips
Jan Zenner
Marge Weichelt
Mary West
Linda Jerabek
Renee Koenig, UW-Extension
Jill Jorgensen, UW-Extension
Stephanie Vincent, Attorney
Student Representatives
Erendida Barrera
Ryan Diederich
Anne Laurent
Donna Mahlik
Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc. provides one-on-one tutoring for adults who wish to improve their reading, writing, and English speaking skills. Our trained tutors come from all walks of life and overwhelmingly agree that the choice to tutor was one of the best decisions they have made.
Our Board of Directors meets every two months and makes policies for the organization that look out for the best interests of our students, as well as tutors.
Students, Tutors, and Friends at Recognition Day 2008
Students, Tutors, and Friends at Recognition Day 2008
The Mission of the Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc. is to establish a framework to provide literacy education to county residents by:
Promoting an awareness of literacy issues
Determining literacy needs
Networking with other counties
Training and supporting tutors
Reaching out to those who need the service
Providing regular, long-term, one-on-one tutoring
Identifying and securing resources to meet the above goals
Literacy training strives to improve participants’ basic linguistic skills in order to enrich and expand the potential for family and community life. The goal of an English literacy program is to improve the reading, comprehension, writing, and speaking skills of Kewaunee County participants. Ongoing, locally-driven county literacy programs will be highly visible, easily accessible and will include trained tutors and effective instructional materials.
Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc. was honored with several awards over the past few years that we are very proud of:
2007 Algoma Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award
2007 Mary H. Wells Award for Diversity (UW-Extension)
2010 Buy Local Community Award
2011 Green Bay Packers Community Quarterback Award for Community Service
2012 Wisconsin Heroes Award
2012 Wisconsin Public Service Volunteer Award
2014 Wisconsin Public Service Health Literacy Award
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