Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
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Are You Ready to Start Learning?
Why improve your reading skills? So you can:
Read better
Write better
Learn English
Improve skills
These skills can help you:
Read to your children
Earn a GED 5.09
Get a driver's license
Get a better job
Become a citizen
Read warning labels
Read important papers

See What Our Students Are Saying
"My English is better after taking class for two years. I am now an interpreter on a farm."
"My tutor helped me learn money. I can go to the store by myself."
"My tutor is so good to me. She let me use her wedding dress for my daughter’s wedding."
"My tutor helped me work on my driver’s license test. I passed on my first try!"
"I now read to my children. We are having FUN!"

Literacy Partners was very proud to help eight students through the process of gaining their U.S. citizenship.
Shown below are the eight new citizens along with their tutors Jerry Waara, Bob Garfinkel, Michele DeBaker, Ingrid Weitzel, and JoAnn Werner.
Citizenship Citizenship Citizenship
Citizenship Citizenship Citizenship
Citizenship Citizenship

More Information
How can I get help to become a student?
Please Contact Us or
Call Barb at (920) 255-3345 (English) and leave a message
Call Kate at (920) 255-3249 (Espanol or English) and leave a message