Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
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Donate Today and Become a "Friend of Literacy"
Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has not accepted public funds (tax money) since its inception. Our literacy council is totally dependent on volunteers, donations from individuals, foundations, corporations, and businesses. All levels of our organization are made up of volunteers which means 100% of your tax deductible donation funds materials for our students and tutors, library materials, and training our tutors.
Honor a friend, loved one, or teacher with a gift of literacy for a birthday, anniversary, memorial, or Christmas gift. Contact Us to learn how.
When it comes time to include a charity in your will, please consider Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County.
President Bob Garfinkel receives a grant from Mark Kanz of Dominion Energy President Bob Garfinkel receives a grant from Mark Kanz of Dominion Energy
If your employer offers a charitable deduction from your paycheck, please consider Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
If you or your friend's employer in Brown, Manitowoc, or Door County has a United Way deduction from income, please include Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
If you have questions about supporting our fine organization, please Contact Us.
Thank you,
-- Board of Directors
Wish List
Gift Certificates to grocery stores to purchase food for classes, events, etc.
Gift certificates for restaurants and stores for recognition day prizes
Gift certificates to stores selling educational supplies, books, and office supplies (i.e. Schoolhouse, Sams, Shopko,, etc.)
Gas cards
Reams of 8.5" x 11" copy paper (white and colored)
Donations in cash to purchase library materials
New notebooks and folders
Mike Repinski (right) of CenturyLink renews the company's commitment to literacy with a donation to Literacy Partners' Mary Gotstein and Bob Garfinkel
President Bob Garfinkel presenting Greater Green Bay Community Foundation with a donor appreciation plaque at Recognition Day 2010
How Do I Donate?
Donate now via credit card or PayPal.
You may also donate by writing a check.
Please make your check payable to:
Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
Send the check to:
Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
Attention: Bob Garfinkel
P.O. Box 203
Luxemburg, WI 54217

Thank you for your consideration.
-- Board of Directors

Mike Repinski (right) of CenturyLink renews the company's commitment to literacy with a donation to Literacy Partners' Mary Gotstein and Bob Garfinkel
President Bob Garfinkel receives a grant from the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
Mike Repinski (right) of CenturyLink renews the company's commitment to literacy with a donation to Literacy Partners' Mary Gotstein and Bob Garfinkel
Mike Repinski (right) of CenturyLink renews the company's commitment to literacy with a donation to Literacy Partners' Mary Gotstein and Bob Garfinkel