Literacy Partners of Kewaunee County, Inc.
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Tutor A Student
Our dedicated tutors have been teaching since July 2006 and the overwhelming majority feel the tutor/student experience has been worthwhile and rewarding.
The reasons for wanting to be a tutor are as varied as the number of tutors in our literacy council. Most reasons are social, humanistic, and personal. Whatever the reason, our students appreciate the opportunity to learn, their families benefit greatly, and our community is stronger because of it. Most tutors claim that their lives are more meaningful and they have benefitted from the program as much as their student.
Tutor Session
Tutors should meet the following expectations:
Complete 14 hours of training
Agree to tutor for a 6 month time period
Use Laubach and suggested materials
Meet with student at least once a week for 1-2 hours
Meet with student in a public location
Keep records of student’s progress
Provide reports on student’s progress
Pay $10 for teaching materials (half the cost)
Attend inservice/network meetings (optional)
More Information
See our Calendar for the Tutor Training Schedule.
Want to become a tutor or get more information? Please Contact Us.